The journey of belief

4 min readDec 14, 2020

I started an astrology blog in 2017 on another platform…

Funny enough I somehow knew from the beginning that the picture will get bigger so I called it January17 and not some astroblabla generic name.

Here we are, a few years later, a few charts done and more than a few experiences added to this list that I’ve come to realise that the best answer is always the same, no matter what the stars say.

And that is always, always using neuroplasticity and the fact that we have the power to shape our thought patterns and work with our minds. Not only the power, but also the freedom. And with freedom come responsibility and accountability hand in hand, this is why many of us shy away from the task and look for answers outside of ourselves.

Haha, would you look at the big words I am using? Responsibility, accountability. Bear with me, I am also still figuring all this out.

I’m continuously mesmerised by the ways in which our reality is shaped by the things we believe in, by the numerous shades and shapes of perception.

The simple fact that most of the time what I see and perceive is different than what others experience aids in my great quest of taking my thoughts less seriously and therefore mySELF less seriously. I’ve come to see the created self as malleable. It can be shaped, constructed, deconstructed to help us experience our best reality.

They say you can be whoever you want right? I didn’t even realise how true that is until recently. You can also be whoever you don’t want and see how that works for you. Trying out more roles and selves has been and still is, in my view, the best part about life.

Kind of like actors, we can also be very genuine in performing certain characters in our day to day life. We do it so well we even believe ourselves, it becomes so automatic that we take it for granted and see it as truth. But it’s more like a construct. A construct of stuff we believe about us.

An exact definition of the word “belief” is, according to Merriam-Webester, “a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing”. Now when you read that, does it sound like something solid? Can you touch it? Smell it? Hold it?

Not really, because it really isn’t solid. You can change that if you find it doesn’t fit you anymore. Or if you just feel the need to play with life, to experience different versions of yourself.

No matter if you believe in astrology, religion, the government etc. or not, you surely have beliefs about yourself. We all do. We try to give ourselves a definition and condition our behaviour to match it.

What works for me currently is to stop myself when I notice my mind is rambling random worrisome thoughts and ask “So what?”. It usually answers back (hahaha) so I just keep going until I get to the bottom of that thought. And it turns out it was all just a soap bubble. “So what?” generally helps me pop the soap bubble.

I am hoping you, my reader, are a Harry Potter fan. If you are you’ll know right away about Dumbledore’s Pensieve. If not:

I use the Pensieve. One simply siphons the excess thoughts from one’s mind, pours them into the basin, and examines them at one’s leisure. It becomes easier to spot patterns and links, you understand, when they are in this form.” J.K. Rowling

I would urge anyone reading this to be a bit like the wise Dumbledore and examine their beliefs constantly, question themselves and learn to let go of all that is outdated, useless in one’s mind or just limiting.

Why do this, you might ask? Because it is truly liberating.

This one’s from The Truman Show, if you haven’t watched it. You probably should.

Until next time.

